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Common Names: Wild Mango, Mtondo, Mutondo
Family: Fabaceae (Legume Family) Papilionoideae


Growth Form, Habitat and Distribution 
A large deciduous (or sometimes semi-deciduous) tree with a wide spreading crown, branching often at a low height. Occurs in riverine woodland at low altitudes across Zambia.

Size     Height: up to 25m, spread up to 20m.
Bark    Grey to dark brown with a lattice of vertical fissures. Exudes a resin if damaged.
Leaves    Alternate, compound, imparipinnate, with 11 to 28 usually alternate, oblong leaflets (2 to 5cm), shiny green above, paler below. Petiole 1.5 to 2.5cm.
Flowers    May be mono- or dioecious. Short, dense, axillary up-ward-facing sprays (up to 30cm) of hemispheric heads (2.5cm) of orange-yellow stamens without petals, July to October.
Fruit     A semi-fleshy, ovoid, green-yellow drupe (4 to 8cm) ripening to bright yellow on the ground and edible. Fruit contains 1 or 2 large seeds that can germinate in it, November to May.
Uses    The fruit has a high Vitamin C content and are eaten fresh, or cooked and are also relished by elephants and other herbivores. The wood is used for canoes and drums. 
Other species in Zambia: None. 4 other species occurring in coastal and low altitude riverine habitats in tropical Africa and Madagascar.

Cordyla africana

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