Common Names: Duiker Berry, Musolo, Musangati, Musole, Kabalabala, Musalya, Msolo, Mukunku
Family: Phyallanthaceae (Phyllanthus Family)
Growth Form, Habitat and Distribution
An attractive, small to medium-sized deciduous tree, with zigzagging upward, outward spreading and drooping branches giving a roundish crown. Found over most of Zambia at all altitudes, mainly in plateau Miombo and Munga woodland. Similar to Maprounea africana which has similar leaves, it is distinguished by leaves tinged with red and corky bark.Size Height up to 15m, spread up to 15m.
Bark Creamy-grey, or grey-brown, smoothish, becoming irregularly cracked with scales up to 20cm long.
Leaves Simple, alternate, ovate to ovate-elliptic, variable 2 to 10cm, bright green to grey-green, paler below, sometimes hairy, the base and the apex both rounded. Petiole 1cm. Autumn leaf fall combines yellow, bright orange and red colours.
Flowers Dioecious. Small, inconspicuous, creamy-green, male flowers, a few in 2 to 3cm axillary clusters, female flowers solitary, July to December.
Fruit Round (2.5cm), slightly grooved green capsule with three sections, each containing a single flat, oval seed, ripening to yellow on the ground, the following May to October.
Uses The pale cream wood is usable. A good “bee tree”. The leaves and fruit are browsed by elephants, antelope and birds, and make a dye. All parts are used in traditional medicine.
Other species in Zambia: A single, but very variable species in Africa, with at 4 varieties recorded in the region.
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